Saturday, August 8, 2009

Good things in Small Packages

Sometimes life sorta comes flying at you from all directions! A few weeks ago, my sister Sandy was out in her wonderful old barn taking care of her chickens when she heard a mewing sound. After much exploration, she found the sweetest little kitten that looked to be about 3 months old and had been injured. She took the little gal to the Veterinarian and was told her growth plate had been damaged and her leg would need amputation. Being the compassionate soul she is, my sister arranged for kitty's surgery and offered her a permanent home. Now Miss Lily (AKA Tripod - but only when she's not listening)will always have a safe, warm place and a family consisting of human parents and canine & feline siblings! What a lucky girl she is.

Fast forward a couple of weeks and Lily is doing well. Sandy is again in her barn - this time with her husband. Yep, more mewing. This time, they discovered a teeny, tiny kitten. It was evening, and they considered the possibility that the mommy cat may have been in the process of moving her babies, so they left the kitten and went inside. The next morning, they went back to the barn and the little guy was still there. After sending her husband to the pet store for kitten formula and a bottle, Sandy called me and asked if I'd be interested in taking care of this little one. Of course, I jumped at the chance. I drove to her house and picked up my precious bundle. That was a week ago. We took him to the Vet's office and were told that he was approximately 2 weeks old. He weighed 6 and one half OUNCES! Can you imagine how teeny tiny that is? He also had an eye infection and an upper respiratory infection. So now, after a week and 2 days - and oral antibiotics & eye drops, I am pleased and proud to present 3 week old and 11oz. Byron George...or as we lovingly call him "WonderCat"


Jil~Say It With Roses said...

Hi Shari,
Thank you for visiting my blog today! I have decided I am going back to my old name now if these three weeks will just go by quickly!

Having met tiny Byron George, I know first hand just how precious he is! And, he is lucky to have such a good Mama and Papa!

Allison DeMars said...

That is one of the most ridiculously cute things I have ever seen.