Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Green-Eyed Monster....

For most of us, this phrase brings to mind the term jealousy. In this case, I'm using the words both literally and figuratively.

In my last post, I introduced our latest bundle of joy (a new kitten named Byron George) to the world. Apparently, our established (older) and spoiled Princess Mia Cat is a bit disgruntled that her grand entrance into society was put on the back burner for the sake of a wild & wooly newcomer. Here she is before Byron George:

Mia-SleepinginSunlight Isn't she sleeping so peacefully?
....and after B.G. :

Those of you not familiar with Mia may not recognize the expression of righteous indignation on her face. It's a look I've seen before - usually if I come back from shopping without a treat for her, or if I've been out of the house longer than she felt was necessary. Though her eyes are closed in both pictures, I'm quite certain they've turned a deeper shade of green since our new arrival has come to live with us.
Maybe I'll show her this post - complete with her TWO pictures to compare with Byron's ONE. That oughta put her in a better mood. :)

Sending blessings and best wishes for a purrfect day!


Allison DeMars said...

I'm sure they'll get to like each other. When we first brought puppins home, our cat mousey hated him. Now, she has taken to laying on top of him if he is on one of our laps. She has even tried to groom him! (but her little cat tongue gets caught in his super curly poodle fur). Pets can be a real blessing, and it looks like someone knew that you deserved one :)

Andrea said...

Hi Shari!

Hope all is well. I obviously haven't been updating my blog at all, but I've been so busy with

Miss talking to you... let's try to get together soon?


Anonymous said...

Aww, they are so sweet!